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Un tcnico puede tener trabajo de campo salir a la calle o en un rea de trabajo diaria local, comercio, empresa, etc. He notado que hay unas cosas que son necesarias en cada caso para un mejor desempeo, para ello he subrayado con colores las herramientas que deberamos tener para el campo, para el rea comn yo ambas de la siguiente manera Trabajo de camporea de trabajo. Ambos casos. Como punto de partida voy a tomar en cuenta que son independientes o un grupo pequeo de tcnicos, por tanto la mayora de las herramientas que son del campo son las mismas que usaras en el rea de trabajo ademas del hecho de no tener que estar comprando 2 veces la misma herramienta si no tienen como costearlas. Por favor corrijanme si me equivoco, recuerden que se me pueden escapar cosas. Herramientas Hardware. No es mi intencin hablar de marcas, cual es mejor o peor salvo ciertos casos. Las imgenes son simplemente referenciales. Hablemos de las herramientas Juego de destornilladores estra, plano, estrella, allen, de todos los tamaos. Con punta magnetizada y normal. Los punta magnetizada sirven para rescatar el tornillo que callo en el hueco imposible donde no puedes meter la mano. Tambin recomiendo uno inalmbrico recargable, son excelentes para trabajos continuos. Herramientas para Celulares Estas herramientas son tiles para destapar laptops, porttiles, incluso ciertos componentes de computacin que vienen en cajas como por ejemplo discos externos y necesitas sacar el disco de la caja sin averiar el plstico como cuando usas una herramienta de metal. Pinzas siempre pasa que se cae un tornillo donde no debe, apretar, romper o picar algo, etc. Las piquetas son tiles para trabajos con cables de red. Brazalete antiesttico si siempre se te pasa tocar el chasis para descargar tu carga esttica o simplemente quieres ir por lo seguro, no te debe faltar. Soplador para limpieza del polvo es lo mximo, hay que recordar que se debe usar tapa bocas siempre que uses el soplador para remover el polvo de una PC. NOTA cuidado con la sopladora, en algunos casos son de mucha presin y pueden daar un computador, jamas usen un compresor bomba de aire a presin. Si eres independiente y trabajas solo no te hace falta tener 2 sopladores, con uno es suficiente para el campo y el rea de trabajo. Cuando formateamos un ordenador e instalamos Windows, el primer software que debemos instalar son los controladores de dispositivo, tambin conocidos por su nombre. Recientemente he estado unas horas con un tcnico de Rockwell en las que he recibido unas pinceladas de cmo empezar a enfrentarme a la familia de PLC CompactLogix. 5 Software Para Respaldar Controladores De Dispositivos5 Software Para Respaldar Controladores De DispositivosSi son mas los que integran el equipo deben evaluar la frecuencia de uso para determinar cuantos sopladores son necesarios. Brocha para limpiar esos sitios que el soplador no logro remover. De igual manera recomiendo el tapa bocas y cuidado al usar la brocha con componentes delicados como la tarjeta madre. El pincel es una opcin para lugares delicados. Goma de borrar borrador Correcto5 Software Para Respaldar Controladores De DispositivosEn nuestro caso la usaremos para limpiar los contactos de las memorias RAM, tarjetas PCI, cuando estn que funcionan pero no del todo. Kit de herramientas para redes Pinza de impacto ponchadora, Crimpeadora, probador de cables, pela cables, Alicate de corte, conectores RJ4. Los trabajos con redes normalmente son puntuales y solicitados por el cliente ej. No siempre es necesario cargar con el kit de redes encima. Para ir por lo seguro puedes llevar en tu bolso de trabajo una crimpeadora, unos conectores RJ 4. La maleta te la llevas para trabajos de redes mas complejos y grandes. Como nota adicional, tambin los clientes ocasionalmente tienen problemas con el cableado telefnico, hay crimpeadoras con conector RJ1. Probador de Fuentes de Poder herramienta que te permite descartar fallas en la fuente de un computador. Es mejor que cargar con una fuente de repuesto encima para pruebas. Recientemente adquir el Coolmax tester y es mucho mas funcional y especifico que el anterior genrico que tenia, he desechado un lote de fuentes daadas que tenia gracias a esta herramienta. Importante no basta con probar la fuente haciendo puente para probar que enciende, con un buen tester se comprueban los diferentes voltajes y determinar si son causantes de una falla en el PC. Los daos en una fuente de poder generalmente son los fusibles y condensadores, repararlas requiere conocimientos en electrnica y herramientas que mencionar mas adelante. Switch KVM si realizas trabajos en tu casa o tienes un rea fija de trabajo, esta herramienta no te puede faltar, simplifica las conexiones as parezca lo contrario, reduces espacios ya que con un solo monitor, teclado y mouse operas mas de un equipo mediante un switch. Adems puedes realizar trabajos simultneos. En mi experiencia recomiendo los usb ya que son plug play, se conecta casi en cualquier momento al realizar el cambio. Agenda digital o cuaderno indispensable para llevar la lista y organizacin de clientes.  Una nueva forma de manejar los contactos es mediante el uso de google, si dispones de un telfono inteligente que sincronice contactos y calendario con gmail, estas hecho. Ya tengo mi agenda digital sincronizada a mis telfonos celulares. Convertidor IDESATA a USB Muy importante esta herramienta, te permite hacer descarte de los puertos IDESATA de una tarjeta madre o un cable defectuoso, realizar respaldos de manera rpida y es bastante cmodo para transportar y no es costoso. Disco duro externo porttil Aunque no es una herramienta muy econmica ciertamente te puede ahorrar horas de trabajo, as como salvar el da. De vez en cuando nos toca aquel computador en que el disco duro esta pidiendo auxilio y aqu es cuando el disco porttil nos ayuda a respaldar esa data. Una idea para no tener que gastar mucho en un disco externo es comprar una caja externa IDE y usar algn disco duro IDE que nos sobre. En el rea de trabajo usamos discos duros para hacer multiboot e instalar los S. O. de manera mas rpida. Pen drive Usualmente nos hace falta algn programa por instalar o alguien tiene una mejor versin, es posible realizar respaldos pequeos o cargar cualquier informacin para el trabajo. Esta es la herramienta porttil mas flexible para llevar datos, aunque propensa a daarse mas rpida que un disco duro. No debera faltar en nuestras herramientas. Recientemente tengo un pendrive de 1. GB con un multiboot para instalar las diferentes versiones de windows desde el pendrive, es mas rpido Linterna Porttil LED en ocasiones nos cuesta observar la posicin del pin de la memoria, los puertos IDE o SATA de una tarjeta madre o simplemente examinar un computador desde una posicin incomoda. El uso de una linterna puede evitarte graves accidentes. Tambin son tiles las linternas que se colocan en la cabeza para trabajos en techos falsos y sitios parecidos. Herramienta Multiuso te ha pasado que no traes las herramientas porque saliste apurado Bueno a mi si. Afortunadamente siempre cargo una de estas herramientas que me ha salvado como mil veces y no nicamente arreglando computadoras. No necesariamente tienen que comprar las de marca que son costosas, en las tiendas por departamentos venden unas econmicas y por lo menos a mi me han funcionado. Switch o Router en este punto no voy a debatir la marca ni modelo.

In economics, physical capital or just capital is a factor of production or input into the process of production, consisting of machinery, buildings, computers, and the like. The production function takes the general form YfK, L, where Y is the amount of output produced, K is the amount of capital stock used and L is the amount of labor used. In economic theory, physical capital is one of the three primary factors of production, also known as inputs in the production function. The others are natural resources including land, and labor the stock of competences embodied in the labor force. Physical is used to distinguish physical capital from human capital a result of investment in the human agent, circulating capital, and financial capital. 12 Physical capital is fixed capital, any kind of real physical asset that is not used up in the production of a product. Usually the value of land is not included in physical capital as it is not a reproducible product of human activity. 2. 01. 7, Capital. Download One Piece Lengkap Sub Indo Mp4 To Mp3Download One Piece Lengkap Sub Indo Mp4 To Mp3Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Philosophy Metaphilosophy Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Politics Aesthetics Thought Mental Cognition. One Piece Episode 812 Subtitle Indonesia. Download One Piece 812 Subtitle Indonesia. One Piece Episode 812 Subtitle Indonesia bercerita tentang menyusup ke istana. Download One Piece Lengkap Sub Indo Mp4 To Mp3

Maple. Story Kanna Skill Build Guide. Kanna is one of Maple. Schneider Electric is a leading designer and manufacturer of smart machine automation and control solutions. Find here our extensive range of products. ClaimBitcoin is the Bitcoin generator that everyone has been waiting for. Currently it is the only working Bitcoin generator out there, and at the moment it can. Harden Windows 10 A Security Guide gives detailed instructions on how to secure Windows 10 machines and prevent it from being compromised. We will harden the system. The China Import Guide ExeStory Sengokus Magician who wields a Fan and has a trusty companion white fox named Haku to accompany her in battle. Haku can transform into many forms including human form. Kanna uses Spiritual Power instead of MP to perform special abilities. Her primary stat is INT Intellect. GMS Global Maple. Electric bike motor kit,battery charger electric bike,36v brushless motor 20. BIOS Multicore Software Development Kit Version 2. x Users Guide. Last updated 05082016. The China Import Guide ExeDownload the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Story released Kanna the Spirit Walker on February 2. JMS Japan Maple. Story released Kanna, the Diviner on August 1. Fiat ECUScan V3. 6. 2 software installation guide Auto OBD Diagnostic Center Release new Fiat ECUScan software. Fiat ecu scanner 3. 3 works for Fiat Alfa Romeo Lancia. Kanna Storyline. Kanna, Japan, June 21 1582, Honnouji Temple in Kyoto After years of turmoil, Oda Nobunaga finally seized control of Japan, but his desire for power. Weve all done it. Thrown ourselves onto the couch, phone in hand, determined to like only a few Instagram pictures of dogs in backpacks and inspirational. The time difference between JMS and GMS release is within 6 months, which meets the approximated prediction duration for new job releases. Kanna was made exclusive for JMS. The word exclusive is more or less to reflect the origin of the content rather than it is only hosted in one version. Kanna Overview. CLASS Sengoku. EQUIPMENT TYPE Magician. PRIMARY WEAPON Fan unique 2 handed weaponSECONDARY WEAPON Fan equipped on HakuPRIMARY STAT Intelligence INTLINK SKILL Elementalism Damage 51. MAPLE UNION EFFECT Boss Damage 12356BEST INNER ABILITY Critical Rate 3. JOB SKILLS I Kanna II Kanna III Kanna IV Kanna Hyper Skills V Kanna. Kanna Related Guides. Maple. Story Kanna Frequently Asked Questions Answers. Maple. Story Kanna Update Patch Error Solution. Maple. Story Kanna Voice Meaning on Skills. Maple. Story Kanna Hyper Skills. Maple. Story Kanna Quests Guide. Kanna Changelog. GMS v. Tune Up 2. 01. 7 0. GMS v. 1. 79 Maple. Story V 5th Job 2. GMS v. 1. 78 Limitless 2. GMS v. 1. 66 Asylum Update 2. GMS v. 1. 49 Legacy of Nine 2. GMS v. 1. 43 RED Part 1 First Impact 2. GMS v. 1. 42 Dawnveil Demons of Tynerum 2. GMS v. 1. 31 Hayato 2. GMS v. 1. 29 Kanna 2. Kanna Pros and Cons. ProsShare your pros on this jobast Leveling with storyline quests. No MP required saves mana potions, making it easy to save meso. Have skills that replenishes HP constantly as you battle with Haku. High damage and Highest HP among Magicians. Fast attack speed. Has 3 skills that hits the whole screen. Long Range Teleport compared to other mages similar to LuminousPhantom. Mount is dirt cheap at 1. KHas high availability on good equipment. Summons that increase spawn rate. Best looking skill animations by far and pretty good looking weapons. Many useful skills and has incredible map control at third job. Conshare your cons on this jobeed to micro manage Spiritual Power upon reaching 3rd Job. Spiritual Power runs out fairly quickly but replenishes at a decent rate. Job training is kind of boring as most skills have cooldown timer. Maple. Story Kanna Video Skill Preview. Ayumilove Maple. Story Kanna 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skills Preview. Kanna Storyline. Kanna, Japan, June 2. Honnou ji Temple in Kyoto After years of turmoil, Oda Nobunaga finally seized control of Japan, but his desire for power only grew. He sought immortality, and the temple of Honnou Ji would bring it to him. He prepared an ancient ritual of reincarnation that would see him reborn as The sixth Sky Demon King, but word of the ritual got out, and the feudal lords stormed Honnou Ji to stop Nobunaga while it was still possible. In the end, a young Spirit Walker named Kanna disrupted the ritual, and the would be dark lords plans crumbled around him. But victory came at a cost. Just as the ritual was disrupted, a great pillar of light lurched forth from the temple and transported everyone to a strange world. Now, Kanna must conquer this strange place and regain lost strength and allies in order to stop the dark ambitions of Nobunagas followers Kannas destiny was foretold at birth but fortunes can be deceiving. When an evil force threatens the safety of the empire, Kanna must join forces with a certain Samurai to prevent the summoning of an evil beyond imagining. This class uses a combination of Fan attacks, ghosts and a pet fox to battle evil in style. Kanna Notes. Male Kanna characters will have new face and hair options when created. The default female Kanna hair has been updated. Female Kanna characters that have their original hair can speak with Maple Administrator in the Event Hall to change to the updated hair. Male Kanna characters that have their original hair or face can speak with Maple Administrator in the Event Hall to change to the updated hair or face. Mana recovery has been adjusted from recovering 5. Mana every 4 seconds to recovering 4 Mana every second. Hakus human form appearance has been updated. Kanna is a certain type of magician called an onmyouji. Although this word is sometimes translated as diviner or exorcist, these are incomplete definitions, since each of these things are only part what comprises onmyoudou the skills that onmyouji practice. Since there is no simple, direct translation that fully covers all of the particular skills of an onmyouji does, were using the transliteration of the word. Although Kanna is female as far as the story is concerned, youll be able to play as female or male version of Kanna. After the tutorial at Honnou ji, your journey will continue at Momijigaoka, a new part of the Mushroom Shrine area of Zipangu. Due to the nature of her power Kannas skills draw on mystical power differently from the way skills do for most natural denizens of Maple World. This prevents her from restoring through her powers through mana potions, but her expended mana will quickly regenerate on its own. Kanna must have one of her special fans equipped in order to use all of her skills. Kannas constant companion and partner in fighting evil is the spirit fox Haku. Since she is from ancient Japan and her primary language is Japanese, Kanna voice is in Japanese. Her animated video has subtitles, and she speaks when performing some skills. The male version of Kanna has also been given voiceovers when performing certain skills. Kanna and her Sengoku allies and enemies are able to communicate with the denizens of their new home through the magic of Maple World. Thus, their text dialogue will be translated. The Tots Know How guide system has been enabled for Kanna. Fans for Kanna have been added to the wares of many weapon vendors. Each Kanna character has its own individual Cash Inventory not shared with other characters. Shared Skills. Please refer to Shared Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among all jobs in Maple. Story. Kanna Beginner Skills. Elemental Blessing Passive. Kanna is blessed by the 5 elements, granting supernatural insight. Level 1 Permanently increases Insight to Level 3. HP 1. 5, Damage from enemies 1. HP while MP item is equipped. Magic Attack for every 7. HP. Mana Font Passive. Kannas connection to the spiritual realm is extremely strong, lending her the ability to recover her Mana without aid of potions. Level 1 Recovers 5. Mana every second, Fan type Weapon Mastery 4. Level 1 Recovers Mana every second, Fan type Weapon Mastery 4. Elementalism Link Skill Passive. Deepens your connection to the elements to provide a permanent damage increase. Level 1 Permanent Damage Increase 5. Level 2 Permanent Damage Increase 1. Haku Passive. Haku, the loveable spirit fox, will follow you to the ends of the universe. The only thing Haku loves more than Kanna is Star Candy, and just by a tiny bit. Level 1 Haku follows you around everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Return of the Five Planets Return Active. Returns to Momijigaoka. Level 1 Returns you to Momijigaoka upon use. Cooldown 6. 00 sec. Kanna Beginner Skill Build Everything maxed. Explanation Skills listed above are Kannas innate abilities.

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English Grammar Adjective Clauses Subject Object Relative Pronouns. English Level Intermediate, Upper Intermediate. Language Focus An introduction to relative clausesadjective clauses that use subject and object relative pronouns. Worksheet Download adjective clause worksheet esl. Jump to Subject Relative Pronouns, Object Relative Pronouns, Final Exercises. Note An adjective clause and relative clause are the same. We will use the word adjective clause. Activities To Teach Adjective Clauses WorksheetActivities To Teach Adjective Clauses WorksheetActivities To Teach Adjective Clauses WorksheetWorksheets, crosswords, word searches, flashcards, lesson plans, and teaching activities for ESL classrooms. Free, printable ESL worksheets and activities to download and use in the classroom, with teacher notes. This is the first lesson on adjective clauses. There are three lessons. Lesson 1 Making adjective clauses with subject and object relative pronouns. Lesson 2 Using the relative pronouns where, when, and which. Lesson 3 Punctuating adjective clauses. Introduction Adjective Clauses Relative ClausesWhy is it called an adjective clause Because adjective clauses modify describe nouns, just like adjectives. For example The tallman smiled. The manwho had long hair smiled. Why Use Adjective ClausesWhen you use adjective clauses, you are able to combine two sentences into one.  A sentence with an adjective clause is called a complex sentence. Good writers use a mix of simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. Here are two simple sentences. I study at a college. The college is downtown. Study how to use wherewhenwhose in adjective clauses relative clauses. Learn the grammar rules do practice exercises. Free worksheet download. ESL. To make an adjective clause, we need to find two ideas in these sentences that refer to the same thing. What is the same in these two sentences The word college is in bothSo, instead of saying the word twice, we can replace one word with a relative pronoun and make an adjective clause. Here are the steps Step 1 Find the two words that are refer to the same thing. I study at a college. The college is downtown. Step 2 Replace the second word with a correct relative pronoun thatwhichwhowhenwhereI study at a college. The college WHICH is downtown. Step 3 Move the whole adjective clause behind the noun it modifies. I study at a college which is downtown. Thats it Now you have a complex sentence. The adjective clause is which is downtown. Before we go further, lets look at a table of the relative pronouns. Relative Pronouns for Adjective Clauseswhosubject and object pronoun for people only. E. g. The man whom I saw was old. E. g. The book that I saw was red. E. g. The book, which I saw, was red. E. g. The man whose house was for sale was old. E. g. The restaurant where we met was downtown. E. g. The day when we met was cloudy. The first part of this lesson will focus on subject relative pronouns. These are thatwhichwho. Whats a Subject Relative Pronoun Look at these two simple sentences. The woman is in my class. She likes tennis. Step. 1 What do we have twice The woman and she are talking about the same person, so we can combine the sentences using an adjective clause. In the second sentence, She is the subject of the sentence, so we will use one of the subject relative pronouns thatwhichwho to replace it. We cannot use whosewherewhenwhom to replace subjects. So, lets follow our steps. Step 1 Find the two words that refer to the the same thingperson. The woman is in my class. She likes tennis. Step 2 Replace the second word with a relative pronoun well use a subject relative pronoun thatwhichwhoThe woman is in my class. She. WHOTHAT likes tennis. Step 3 Move the whole adjective clause behind the noun it modifies. These two sentences are both correct The woman who likes tennis is in my class. The woman that likes tennis is in my class. Were done Lets practice. I will give you some sentences and you can follow the three steps to create an adjective clause. Remember to move the adjective clause behind the noun it modifiesExercise 1 Creating Adjective Clauses with Subject Relative Pronouns. Change the second sentence into an adjective clause. Adjective Clauses with Object Relative Pronouns. Now its time for the second part of the lesson. Lets look at two more sentences. The woman is in my class. I like her. Step 1 What is the same in both sentencesThe woman and her. They both refer to the same thing the woman. The woman is in my class. I like her. If we look at the second word, her, we can see that it is not the subject of the sentence. It is the object I like her lt her is the object of the verb like. For objects, we have to use an object relative pronoun, which are the following whowhom for people whom is a little old fashioned, but its correctthat for people and thingsnothing for people and thingswhich for things. Nothing Yes. We do not need a relative pronoun if we are replacing the object of a verb. Lets me show you by continuing with our example. Step 2 Replace the second word with a relative pronoun whowhomthatnothingwhichThe woman is in my class. I like her whomthatnothing. Because we are making an adjective clause with the object of a sentence, we have to add one more step. Step 3 Move the object relative pronoun to the beginning of the second sentenceclause. The woman is in my class. I like her . Step 4 Move the whole adjective clause behind the noun it modifies. The woman whom I like is in my class.  The woman who I like is in my class.  The woman that I like is in my class.  The woman I like is in my class.  They are all correct Lets combine another sentence but lets do it with a thing. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes at the mall.  I want to buy them soon. Step 1 Look for two words that refer to the same thing. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes at the mall.  I want to buy them soon. Step 2 Replace the second word with a relative pronoun. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes at the mall.  I want to buy them whichthatnothing soon. Step 3 Move the relative pronoun to the beginning of the second sentenceclause. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes at the mall.  whichthatnothing I want to buy them soon. Step 4 Move the whole adjective clause behind the noun it modifies. Now the final sentence looks like this Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes which I want to buy soon at the mall. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes that I want to buy soon at the mall. Yesterday, I saw some nice shoes I want to buy soon at the mall. Thats it. These shoes are old. Someone has thrown them on the line. These shoes that someone has thrown on the line are old. Now its time for you to practice. Exercise 2 Making Adjective Clauses with Objects. Exercise 3 Add the Correct Relative Pronoun. In the next exercise, some of the adjective clauses use a subject relative pronoun and some use an object relative pronoun. Decide which to use. For example I gave a dollar to the man was on the corner. If we look at was on the corner, we can see that it is missing a subject, so we need a subject relative pronoun whothat. I gave a dollar to the man I see every day. If we look at I see everyday, we can see that there is already a subject I. Also, the man is whom you see he is the object of the verb. So we use an object relative pronoun whomthatnothing. Give it a try. Click here to see a list of the relative pronouns again. Subject relative pronouns who, that. Object relative pronouns that, whom, which, nothingHes the only student thatwhomshe knew the answer. Did you see the painting whowhomwhich I bought in Paris This is the only bridge thatwhowhom goes to the island. There are many children whowhomnothing are not able to go to school. The Italian restaurant whowhomnothing I went to last night has great dessert.

Adobe Activex 9 Free DownloadsAdobe Activex 9 Free DownloadsFast downloads of the latest free software. Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful. Download Adobe Flash Player 28 Adobe Flash Player is an essential application for any Internet user, as it allows them to view interactive web content. Adobe Flash Player Wikipedia. Adobe Flash Player. Original authorsFuture. Wave. DevelopersAdobe Systems. Initial release. 19. Adobe Flash Player 27 Win, Mac Linux debugger aka debug player or content debuggers and standalone aka projectors players for Flex and Flash developers. Stable releasesWindows, mac. OS, Linux, Chrome OS2. November 1. 4, 2. Android 4. 0. x. 11. September 1. 0, 2. Android 2. x and 3. Freeware is the popular type of download because, well, its free. Below is a list of the top 100 Windows freeware downloads. You will find the top utilities, security. See a list of the ActiveX controls blocked by the Internet Explorer security feature called outofdate ActiveX control blocking. Resolves vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player if it is installed on any supported edition of Windows 8. 1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2. Adobe flash player windows 7 free download Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Flash Player 7 for Pocket PC, Adobe Flash Player, and many more programs. PDF conversion and creation software, office document process application, multimedia tools and related software development kit provided by VeryPDF. Adobe Activex 9 Free DownloadsSeptember 1. 0, 2. Solaris. 11. 2. 2. March 2. 8, 2. 01. Preview releasesWindows, mac. OS, Linux, Chrome OS2. Beta November 2. Written in. COperating system. Windows, mac. OS, Linux, Chrome OS, Solaris, Black. Berry Tablet OS, Android, and Pocket PCPlatform. Web browsers and Active. X based software. Available in. Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Korean, and Turkish4Type. Run time environment, Media player, and Browser extension. License. Freeware. Websitewww. adobe. Adobe Flash Player labeled Shockwave Flash in Internet Explorer and Firefox5 is freewaresoftware for using content created on the Adobe Flash platform, including viewing multimedia, executing rich Internet applications, and streaming video and audio. Flash Player can run from a web browser as a browser plug in or on supported mobile devices. Flash Player was created by Macromedia and has been developed and distributed by Adobe Systems since Adobe acquired Macromedia. Flash Player runs SWF files that can be created by the Adobe Animate and Adobe Flash Professional authoring tools, by Adobe Flash Builder or by third party tools such as Flash. Develop. Flash Player supports vector and raster graphics, 3. D graphics, an embedded scripting language called Action. Script, and streaming of video and audio. Action. Script is based on ECMAScript, and supports object oriented code, and is similar to Java. Script. Flash Player has a wide user base, and is a common format for games, animations, and graphical user interfaces GUIs embedded in web pages. Adobe stated in 2. Flash Player within six weeks of release. 6Flash Player is distributed for free and its plug in versions are available for every major web browser and operating system. Google Chrome comes bundled with the sandboxed Adobe Flash plug in78 and Windows 8 and later come with their own integrated Flash Player for Internet Explorer and Edge. 91. Flash Player has become increasingly criticized for its performance, consumption of battery on mobile devices, the number of security vulnerabilities that had been discovered in the software, and that Flash is a closed platform. Apple co founder Steve Jobs was highly critical of Flash Player, having published an open letter detailing Apples reasoning for banning the Flash platform from being used on its i. OS device family. Its usage has also waned due to modern web standards that allow some of Flashs use cases to be fulfilled without third party plugins. 1. In July 2. 01. 7, Adobe announced1. Flash Player in 2. HTML5 standards be used in place of Flash. 1. The announcement was coordinated with Apple,1. Facebook,1. 9Google,2. Microsoft,2. 1 and Mozilla. 2. FeatureseditAdobe Flash Player is a runtime that executes and displays content from a provided SWF file, although it has no in built features to modify the SWF file at runtime. It can execute software written in the Action. Script programming language which enables the runtime manipulation of text, data, vector graphics, raster graphics, sound and video. The player can also access certain connected hardware devices, including web cameras and microphones, after permission for the same has been granted by the user. Flash Player is used internally by the Adobe Integrated Runtime AIR, to provide a cross platform runtime environment for desktop applications and mobile applications. AIR supports installable applications on Windows, Linux, mac. OS, and some mobile operating systems such as i. OS and Android. Flash applications must specifically be built for the AIR runtime to use additional features provided, such as file system integration, native client extensions, native windowscreen integration, taskbardock integration, and hardware integration with connected Accelerometer and GPS devices. 2. Data formatseditFlash Player includes native support for many different data formats, some of which can only be accessed through the Action. Script scripting interface. XML Flash Player has included native support for XML parsing and generation since version 8. XML data is held in memory as an XML Document Object Model, and can be manipulated using Action. Script. Action. Script 3 also supports ECMAScript for XML E4. X, which allows XML data to be manipulated more easily. JSON Flash Player 1. Java. Script Object Notation JSON format, which allows interoperability with web services and Java. Script programs. AMF Flash Player allows application data to be stored on users computers, in the form of Local Shared Objects, the Flash equivalent to browser cookies. 2. Flash Player can also natively read and write files in the Action Message Format, the default data format for Local Shared Objects. Since the AMF format specification is published, data can be transferred to and from Flash applications using AMF datasets instead of JSON or XML, reducing the need for parsing and validating such data. SWF The specification for the SWF file format was published by Adobe, enabling the development of the SWX Format project, which used the SWF file format and AMF as a means for Flash applications to exchange data with server side applications. 2. The SWX system stores data as standard SWF bytecode which is automatically interpreted by Flash Player. 2. Another open source project, SWXml allows Flash applications to load XML files as native Action. Script objects without any client side XML parsing, by converting XML files to SWFAMF on the server. 2. Multimedia formatseditFlash Player is primarily a graphics and multimedia platform, and has supported raster graphics and vector graphics since its earliest version. It supports the following different multimedia formats which it can natively decode and playback. MP3 Support for decoding and playback of streaming. MPEG 2 Audio Layer III MP3 audio was introduced in Flash Player 4. MP3 files can be accessed and played back from a server via HTTP, or embedded inside an SWF file, which is also a streaming format. FLV Support for decoding and playing back video and audio inside Flash Video FLV and F4. V files, a format developed by Adobe Systems and Macromedia. Flash Video is only a container format and supports multiple different video codecs, such as Sorenson Spark, VP6 and more recently H. Flash Player uses hardware acceleration to display video where present, using technologies such as Direct. X Video Acceleration and Open. GL to do so. Flash Video is used by You. Tube,3. 1Hulu,3. Yahoo Video, BBC Online3. FLV files can be played back from a server using HTTPprogressive download, and can also be embedded inside an SWF file. Flash Video can also be streamed via RTMP using the Adobe Flash Media Server or other such server side software. PNG Support for decoding and rendering Portable Network Graphics PNG images, in both its 2. Flash Player 1. 1 can also encode a PNG bitmap via Action. Script. JPEG Support for decoding and rendering compressed JPEG images. Flash Player 1. 0 added support for the JPEG XR advanced image compression standard developed by Microsoft Corporation, which results in better compression and quality than JPEG. Adobe Flash Player Debugger Download. Adobe Flash Player Debugger is a content fixer and troubleshooter for Flash Flex projects. Put more simply, it is the Debugger version of Adobe Flash Player, which analyzes, collects and logs errors during the development cycle. Adobe Flash Player Debugger differs from the standard version in many ways and is addressed to developers. It is not recommended for home use, because running Flash content in debugger mode may result in slower playback speed and often in browse unresponsiveness. This is due to the fact that the Debuggers purpose is to collect information during the actual playback in order to create reports and ultimately, to fix various issues that may prevent the content from behaving properly. Adobe Flash Player Debugger is available in two different editions one is brought in the form of an Active. X control that runs inside browsers, while the other is a standalone version also known as Projector. The latter can be used outside the browser, as well as inside many Flash development platforms such as Flash Builder or Flash Professional. Out of the two editions, developers rely more than often on the first one, especially for simple Flash architectures that do not require a complex debugger. While the browser based Active. X component relies on a lightweight installer, deployment is not complication free. Some issues occur when Adobe Flash Player is already installed on the system, in which case trying to install the Debugger fails, returning an error that a Flash installation has already been detected. In such a situation, it is recommended to remove the player using the dedicated Adobe uninstaller, after which you can try to deploy the Debugger version again. In order to detect if Adobe Flash Player Debugger has been successfully installed, heres a method to perform a quick check navigate to a Flash website Adobe. Flash content and look for a context menu shortcut labeled Debugger. If it is present, then youve managed to deploy the Debugger that will start collecting information as soon as it detects content issues. In conclusion, Adobe Flash Player Debugger is definitely a must have for Flash and Flex developers. It makes for a quick way to check content integrity and behavior.

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AUX. 1. 19 1. 1. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 1. 3. 3. 1 Slave Access Points. View and Download Teldat Bintec R3002 manual online. Bintec R3002 Gateway pdf manual download. Radio Profiles. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 1. 4. 5. 2 Rule Chains. Interface Assignment. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 1. 7. 1 Internet Dialup. PPPo. E. 2. 71 1. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 1. 8. 3. 2 Options. IP Pools. 3. 79 1. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 2. 0. 2. 7 Options. RTSP. 4. 27 2. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 2. 1. 7 Scheduling. Trigger. 4. 61 2. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 2. 2. 3 Reboot. System Reboot. Chapter 2. 3 External Reporting. Table of Contents Teldat Gmb. H 2. 4. 5 Bridges. Password If you are already familiar with configuring Teldat devices and want to get started right away, all you really need to know is the factory default user name and password. Note. The devices are also designed for use with Dime Manager. The Dime Manager manage ment tool can locate your Teldat devices within the network quickly and easily. The. NET based application, which is designed for up to 5. About this guide Teldat Gmb. H Chapter 2 About this guide This document is valid for Teldat devices with system software as of software version 9. You receive an Invalid Page Fault in Ntdll. dll. Access quits unexpectedly and then tries to send an error report. CAUSE The path or the Connect property of the linked. Muhimbi develops and sells shrinkwrapped products for Microsofts SharePoint platform. Microsoft Access database recovery solution for damaged. mdb and accdb files. eRepair Access helps to fix corrupt Access dbase. List of well known, registered, and dynamicprivate ports. View and Download ZyXEL Communications ZYWALL USG 20 manual online. ZYWALL USG 20 Gateway pdf manual download. The Reference, which you have in front of you, contains the following chapters Users Guide Reference. About this guide Teldat Gmb. H Chapter Description Firewall Vo. IP Local Services Maintenance External Reporting Monitoring Glossary The glossary contains a reference to the most important tech nical terms used in network technology. The index lists all the key terms for operating the device and all. About this guide Teldat Gmb. H Symbol Indicates a warning of risk level Warning points out possible dangers that may cause physical injury or even death if not ob served. The following typographical elements are used to help you find and interpret the informa. Installation Teldat Gmb. H Chapter 3 Installation Caution Please read the safety notices carefully before installing and starting up your device. These are supplied with the device. Setting up and connecting Note All you need for this is the cable supplied with the equipment. ETH1 of your device to your LAN using the Ethernet cable supplied. The device automatically detects whether it is connected to a switch or directly to a PC. ADSL only bintec R3. RT3. 00. 2 Connect the DSL interface DSL of your device to the DSL output of the splitter us ing the DSL cable supplied. Installation Teldat Gmb. H ISDN BRI see Variable switching of S0 interfaces on page 3. Connect the ISDN BRI interface BRI1, BRI2 or BRI3, BRI4 of the device to your ISDN socket using the ISDN BRI cable provided. ISDN PRI only bintec R4. Connect the ISDN PRI interface PRI 1 or PRI 2 of the device to your PRI connection using the ISDN PRI cable provided. If you have any questions about your new product or are looking for additional information, the Teldat Gmb. H Support Centre can be reached Monday to Friday between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. They can be contacted as follows Email hotlineteldat. Reset Teldat Gmb. H Chapter 4 Reset Resetting the device enables you to return your device to a predefined initial state. This may be necessary if you have made incorrect configuration settings or the device is to be reprogrammed. Manually resetting the device You can reset the device to the ex works state with the RESET button. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Chapter 5 Technical data This chapter summarises all the hardware properties of the R1. R3. 00. 2, R3. 50. R3. 80. 2, R4. 40. RT1. 20. 2, RT3. 00. RT3. 50. 2 and RT4. Scope of supply Your device is supplied with the following parts. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Product Cable setsother Software Documentation name VDSK cable Release Notes, if required 1. Installation poster printed 4x rubber feet self adhesive R3. Ethernet cable Companion DVD Quick Install Guide and safety notices printed5 Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Product Cable setsother Software Documentation name ISDN BRI cable Users Guide on DVD Serial cable bintec Dime Manager Users Guide on DVD Network cable Release Notes, if required 2 ADSL cables for Annex A and for Annex B5 Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R1. RT1. 20. 2 Dimensions and weights Equipment dimensions 1. B x H x D x 4. 5 mm x 4. Weight approx. Dime Manager Users Guide on DVD on DVD Installation poster Installation poster Online documentation Users Guide Users Guide Workshops Workshops Release Notes, if required Release Notes, if required General product features bintec R3. R3. 50. 2, bintec R3. Rxxx. 2RTxxx. 2. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R3. R3. 50. 2 bintec R3. Dimensions and weights Equipment dimensions 1. B x H x D mm x 2. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R3. R3. 50. 2 bintec R3. ADSL2 interface Internal ADSL2 mo dem for Annex A and Annex B VDSL2 interface In accordance with ITU G. Baud plan ISDN 9. Autodetection of VD SL profile. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R3. R3. 50. 2 bintec R3. Ethernet interfaces RJ4. RJ4. 5 socket RJ4. ISDN BRI interface RJ4. RJ4. 5 socket RJ4. ADSL interface RJ4. VDSL2 interface RJ4. SHDSL interface RJ4. Standards amp. 5 Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec RT3. RT3. 50. 2 Dimensions and weights Equipment dimensions 1. B x H x D x 4. 5 mm x 4. Weight approx. 5 Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec RT3. RT3. 50. 2 supports Baud plan ISDN 9. Autodetection of VDSL profile. Ethernet IEEE 8. 02. LAN Permanently installed twisted pair Permanently installed twisted pair 4 port switch only, 1. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec RT3. RT3. 50. 2 bintec Dime Manager Users Guide bintec Dime Manager Users Guide on DVD on DVD Installation poster Installation poster Online documentation Users Guide Users Guide Workshops Workshops Release Notes, if required. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R4. RT4. 20. 2 Relative atmospheric hu 1. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Property bintec R4. RT4. 20. 2 SAFERNET TM Security Community passwords, PAP, Community passwords, PAP, Technology CHAP, MS CHAP, MS CHAP v. CHAP, MS CHAP, MS CHAP v. PPTP, PPPo. E, PPPo. A, Callback, PPTP, PPPo. E, PPPo. A, Callback, Access Control Lists, CLID, NAT. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H Colour Status Information router. STATUS green flashing The device is being initialised. In operation mode, the LEDs display the following status information for your device LED status display Colour Status Information POWER green The power supply is connected. Technical data Teldat Gmb. H 5. 4 Connectors The network connection and the onoff switch are located on the back of the device.

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How to combine images in Photoshop. How to use painting tools. How to use drawing tools. How to understand color management. How to add text to images. How to use filters. How to create layer comps. How to add a watermark to images. How to warp images. Activation Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc HelpHow to use gradient maps. How to use advanced color techniques. Activation Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc HelpingHow to blend, feather, and smooth. How to use the Vanishing Point filter. In this share, Mac users are able to download the latest Adobe Creative Cloud Collection 2017 Full Crack with FREE activation tools keygen, patch or seria. Honestly, A 30 day trial is way to short for a noncommercial buyer. I downloaded Adobe Premiere Pro and many other apps and I then just got so busy in that month. Key terms photoshop cs. If youre getting started with Photoshop and want more, be sure to also check out this free Photoshop CS6 Primer Top 1. Techniques. Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator CS6. Technical guides include 1. Overview of Adobe Illustrator CS6 workspace. How to create vector artwork. Activation Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc Help NumberHow to draw in Illustrator. How to draw in perspective with Illustrator. How to use symbols and patterns. Key terms illustrator cs. Learn how to use Adobe In. Design CS6. Technical guides include 1. Overview of Adobe In. Design CS6 workspace. How to set up a document. How to use the ruler, grid, guides, and the Align panel. How to use text. 5. How to prepare files for print. How to combine graphics frames and text frames. How to work with graphics frames. How to place images on a page. How to work with text frames. How to apply effects to text. How to import files. How to create interactive documents. How to use placeholder text. How to use character and paragraph styles. How to work with layers. How to wrap text around objects. How to add page numbers. How to create captions. How to import text from Microsoft Word. 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How to create and edit a CSS rule. How to use CSS starter layouts. How to lay out a web page with CSS1. How to use templates. How to work with external Cascading Style Sheets. How to troubleshoot Cascading Style Sheets. How to make websites accessible. How to use the Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser. How to check files in and out. How to create interactive navigation. How to add images. How to add rich media to a web page. How to add text. 21. How to use CSS text styles. How to create lists. How to create links. How to create data tables. How to create forms. How to create image maps. How to preview and test a web project. How to check links. How to publish web files. Key terms dreamweaver cs. Learn how to use Adobe Flash Professional CS6. Technical guides include 1. Overview of the Adobe Flash Professional CS6 workspace. Understanding Flask graphic files types. How to organize content. Symbols, instances, and the library. How to use guides and rulers. How to maintain consistency. How to make Flash content accessible. How to draw and create shapes. How to apply colors and gradients. How to create masks. How to create a button symbol. How to use transparent or invisible buttons. How to work with text. Understanding frames and keyframes. How to create animation. How to use a motion guide with a motion tween animation. How to ease tweens. How to create character animations. How to use sprite sheets. How to use filmmaking techniques. How to create transitions with motion tweens. How to create visual effects. How to import images. How to produce Flash video for use on the web. How to import sound. How to optimize Flash content. How to get started with Action. Script. 28. Action. Script for basic gaming. How to test a Flash project. How to publish a Flash document. How to set up a mobile application. How to resize content for multiple screens. How to create an RSS feed. How to create a Google map. How to publish a mobile application. Key terms flash cs. Learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. Technical guides include 1. Overview of the Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 workspace. How to import files. How to manage media in the Project panel. How to create a storyboard in the Project panel. How to trim clips in the Timeline panel. How to work with clips in the Timeline panel. How to create standard image, movie, and audio files. How to capture video. How to use editing tools in the Source Monitor. How to apply and adjust video transitions. How to adjust audio and apply crossfades. How to record a narration in the Audio Mixer. How to create TV news style J and L cuts. How to edit in the Program Monitor. How to use Adobe Media Encoder CS6. How to use the Trim Monitor. Understanding the Titler. How to build text and objects in the Titler. How to work with alpha channel transparencies. How to use the Motion effect. How to add text effects. How to apply and adjust video effects. How to work with audio. How to change clip speed and direction. How to apply and adjust video keying effects. How to work with temporal and spatial keyframe interpolation. How to make text roll and crawl. How to use nested sequences.
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