PS3 Tutorials. I have hacked my PS3 and it has 4. It works fine, and lets me do everything I want it to do. I want to get Persona 5 working on here, but I cannot get it to work. BFD7LiFCIkk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Install Ps1 Games On Ps3 Via Usb' title='Install Ps1 Games On Ps3 Via Usb' />Artemis PS3 Hacking System is a collection of opensource, free applications that allows you to apply Netcheat codes to many of your favorite games with ease. The PlayStation 3 PS3 is a home video game console developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Always Dynamically Update Dns A And Ptr Records Linux Commands. It is the successor to PlayStation 2, and is part of the PlayStation. Save-PS1-Games-on-PS3-Step-1.jpg/aid1762836-v4-728px-Save-PS1-Games-on-PS3-Step-1.jpg' alt='Install Ps1 Games On Ps3 Via Usb' title='Install Ps1 Games On Ps3 Via Usb' />Switch location of game data between internal HDD and first external USB HDD, install PSN games or any applicationpkg to external USB HDD saving space on. GBAtemp is a user friendly independent video game community with millions of posts about 3DS and Nintendo DS, Wii and Wii U, Switch and other general consoles.