Maps Wo. WWiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Were you looking for the in game map A map of early Azeroth from Warcraft I. A map from Warcraft II. World Of Warcraft Map CoordinatesUseful and interesting maps relating to World of Warcraft and the general Warcraft universe. World maps Edit. For details on individual zones. MapTemplate.thumb.png.0f461e33a72bae141ef64700f2b8d26e.png' alt='World Of Warcraft Map Of Draenor' title='World Of Warcraft Map Of Draenor' />Official sites Edit. Blizzard Entertainment has largely removed most World of Warcraft related maps or map images from their sites. Pretty sad, actually. However, some of the maps are still usable via archived versions. Warlords of Draenor Edit. This section concerns content exclusive to Warlords of Draenor. Interactive map. Other locations Edit. The pre release Town Hall world map. A fan map of the early stages of World of Warcraft. A map of Azeroth during the early Alphas. World. Of. Map. Craft. Azeroth includes Pandaria and Outland via Google maps engine. Oh wow, I never saw that when it was live. Why did they get rid of it Im guessing it was because of the old site revamp what we currently have now and having to. Includes Deepholm, Molten Front, Vashjir, Caverns of Time, capital cities, and Darkmoon island. Includes battlegrounds, dungeons, and raids thru Cataclysm. Has placeholders for the Wandering Isle, battlegrounds, dungeons, and raids thru Mists of Pandaria. Has placeholders for arenas thru Mists of Pandaria. Wowhead. com several drop down menus to select from various in game maps thru Cataclysm. Gamepressure. com Game Atlas Guide Database satellite maps, displaying a birds eye view of the entire land, with labels for all the sub zones. Maps thru Wrath of the Lich King. Kaldorei. com world map circa Burning Crusade with transport fees and detailed maps for the starting zones. The top level web site kaldorei. Map. Wo. W Pre Cataclysm Azeroth, Outland and Northrend using the Google Maps API. Presents an ultra high detail scalable map of World of Warcraft using the same interface as Google Maps, and includes more than 1. Warlocks Azeroth map at Scrollsof. Lore. com includes Northrend, but not Pandaria has Kezan in Pandaria location. Pre Cataclysm Wo. W Scribblemaps Google Flash maps that allow you to create custom maps, with drawings, markers and more, then send them to friends. Also includes location searching, herbs, ores, footlockers, and flight paths. Can also create a custom map widget for your website or blog. Pre Wrath of the Lich King, Wo. WCartographe a map program with annotations FrenchEnglish, Windows only. Thru Cataclysm beta, Wo. WMapper An indoor and outdoor minimap generator. FrenchEnglish, Windows only. Wyri. Maps. netwow Fullscreen interactive Google Map thru Mists of Pandaria. All continents in one map, all veins and herbs. New marker sets are added weeklyScribble interactive map Edit Regional and city maps Edit. This section concerns content exclusive to Warlords of Draenor. This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm. This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria. Azeroth is the name of the world in which the majority of the Warcraft series is set. The world. Innovative World of Warcraft maps. Leverages the Google Maps API to provide an ultrahigh detail scalable map of the World of Warcraft universe. Includes more than. A new chapter of the epic Warcraft saga is coming. Discover what the future holds for World of Warcraft including brandnew features, gameplay, story, and more Maps, Quests, Items, NPCs, Mobs and more for WoW World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, Burning Crusade, WoW, maps, guides, items, quests. World Of Warcraft Map LegionThis section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria. This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade. Only includes cities that have their own maps. Some of the map links below currently dont work as they used to link to the Atlas. Mod site which no longer hosts the maps. We are currently investigating another site to link to. Map from Ten Ton Hammer Copyright 2. Master Games International. Map from MMO Champion. Maps are also linked from individual instance pages see the related instance links for the full list. The map links below used to link to the Atlas. Mod site which no longer hosts the maps. Warcraft relations map Edit. Warcraft relations map. This is supposed to be a map of relations between the most important charactersclansartifacts until the end of The Frozen Throne storyline. For all of you who are a bit confused by the tremendous amount of characters in the world of Warcraft. There are several versions available see the project page. Concept maps Edit. Peter Thorson Thorvoquien of Guild Goon Squad MalGanis US has saved some early Warcraft and World of Warcraft concept map images on his site World of Warcraft Collectors Edition Maps at Zaphoyd. Install Mac Os X From Usb Linux Bootable. References Edit See also Edit. By expansion. See also Edit. Template Map template for adding visual wow maps to the wiki. External links Edit. Google Map of the Wo.