Using Windows 8 Start Screen search, you can instantly open Advanced Startup options, view programs that start up automatically with Windows and change Window To GO startup options. It doesnt include shortcut to Windows 8 Startup folder. Film Editor Software Free Download. However, you can use Window 8 Run console to quickly open App. Data folder, which resides inside your User Profile folder, to get to Startup folder. Open Windows 8 Startup Folder. NF7BGcI3XllUwdSdzs8bYomLRh4=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/windows-on-off-command-580730945f9b5805c23bf59f.jpg' alt='Vista Can Change Startup Programs' title='Vista Can Change Startup Programs' />To begin, use Windows R hotkey combination, and enter App. Data. It will open Roaming profile folder, letting you view installed applications folders and navigate through Windows system folders. You will find the Startup folder in MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms folder. In order to quickly navigate to Startup folder, open Windows Explorer and input the following path in address bar with your user profile folder name, and then press Enter. C Userslt User Profile folder name App. DataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup. This will take you directly to Windows 8 Startup folder. You can use Pin to Start option from right click context menu to quickly open the Startup folder from Windows Start Screen. Selecting the Pin to Start option will send the shortcut to the folder to Start Screen. View Edit Startup Items. Windows 8 doesnt show Startup items in System Configuration utility, casually known as msconfig. The Startup tab includes a link to Windows 8 Task Manager Startup window which contains all system and user startup applications and scripts. The Startup section in Task Manager lets you easily organize startup items. It also gives information about the startup item, such as Publisher name, Status and Startup impact a built in tool that measures the time it takes to load the startup item. Right clicking the item will allow you to disable the startup item, navigate to items source path, view Properties and initiate online search to get more information on the selected item. SUBSCRIBE TO OURNEWSLETTER. Vista Can Change Startup Programs