Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' title='Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' />Strehla Keramik Information, Gallery, Identification Marks. President Trump is Awake, Angry, and Tweeting About Hillarys Emails Like a Petulant Toddler. At some point President Trump is going to forget about the 2. Hillary Clintons emails and turn his attention to the nations business. But today is not that day. President Trump is awake, angry, and tweeting. And you can probably guess the topic. Yes, President Trump has been in office for over six months and is still fixated on his former opponent Hillary Clinton. He started the morning with a tweet about Ukraine, a country that he accused of sabotaging his campaign and working to boost Clinton. He implored the Attorney General to look into this supposed Ukrainian influence, while tagging Fox News host and conspiracy theorist Sean Hannity in the tweet. Then he moved on to Hillary Clintons crimes involving her emails. What alleged crimes hed like investigated werent specified. My Past Winnings. I was going to get rid of this page because I dont have time to enter sweepstakes like I used to and my list of winning is pretty thin these days. Groupthink is a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis 1972. It occurs when a group or individual makes faulty decisions because social pressure in the. Wii. The topselling Wii games all figures in millions of units soldthrough since launch. That shot at Attorney General Sessions as weak is meant to either get him to quit, or to get Sessions to start some kind of investigation into Clinton. Either way, multiple news outlets have reported that Trump wants to fire Sessions but simply doesnt have the guts. Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' title='Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' />Find recipes for every meal, easy ideas for dinner tonight, cooking tips and expert food advice. Fiber Optic Cable Aerial Installation Standards Of Care. News and opinion from The Times The Sunday Times. North Korean state TV just aired footage of yesterdays missile test, which has been confirmed by South Korea and US forces as an intercontinental ballistic missile. At some point President Trump is going to forget about the 2016 election and Hillary Clintons emails and turn his attention to the nations business. But today. The president then tweeted about acting FBI Director Andrew Mc. Cabe. President Trump said that Mc. Cabes wife received 7. Hillary Clinton, which isnt exactly true. Visions of the Now Stockholm Festival for Art and Technology Initiated by Swedish artist Anna Lundh, Visions of the Now is a reconsideration of the 1966 Stockholm. PH_box.jpg' alt='Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' title='Trivial Pursuit Family Edition Heinz' />In reality, Mc. Cabes wife received 5. Virginia Governor Terry Mc. Auliffe who, yes, is an ally of Clintons by the nature of being a Democrat himself and she reportedly received another 2. Democratic Party of Virginia. Its certainly fair to argue that political donations to Mc. Cabes wife present a conflict in some way I suppose, but its still a bit bizarre to watch. But youll never guess what aired on Fox News shortly before Trump sent out his tweets. Thats right. More shit about Clinton and her destruction of phones with hammers, something that anyone practicing good opsec does when theyre disposing of old electronics. Trump then moved on to tweets about todays vote in the Senate about health care. After saying that Obamacare had been around for 1. But it still remains unclear whether Trump even understands the bill hes promoting. Trump continued his morning rage tweetstorm with a kind message for John Mc. Cain, a man who he previously denigrated for getting captured in Vietnam. Mc. Cain is racing back to Washington to help pass a bill that will strip health insurance from millions of Americans. And if he does that will certainly be his legacy. Im not sure that we can call that the act of a hero though. Again, Trump seems to be just livetweeting Fox Friends this morning, like he does practically every morning. And just as Fox News pivoted to more talk about Jared Kushner, Trump tweeted about it right on cue. He even suggested that the investigation into collusion would turn to include his 1. Barron. It can be so easy to forget that the president is a man with the knowledge of 1. Yet he seems to spend hours of his time each morning doing nothing but watching TV news. Itd be funny if it werent so dangerous. Because as the Trump regime implodes theres open speculation about whether everyone from Reince Priebus to Rex Tillerson will quit or be fired the nation suffers at home and abroad. Correction This story originally identified Mc. Cabe as the one who recommended that James Comey be fired. That was obviously Rod Rosenstein. I regret my own idiocy.