Sap Delivery Serial Number Function Module In Sap' title='Sap Delivery Serial Number Function Module In Sap' />Production Order Serial Number Function Module. Hi,Try giving the relevant fields in SER0. Use Font Without Installing Central Air. Like PPAUFNR Order Number, PPPOSNR Order Item Number, PPAUTYP Order category, PPAUFART Order Type, PPWERK Plant etc. Now provide all the selected SER0. OBKNR into OBJK table and fetch the serial numbers form OBJK SERNR field. SER0. 5 OBKNR OBJK OBKNR and fetch OBJK SERNR value. Safeguarding safety instruction safety level safety margin after production safety measure safety measure list safety note safety observation safety plan. Your Custom SAP S4HANA Value Summary is Ready. This report will guide you through the amazing possibilities a digital transformation can bring to your specific lines. Hello allIm looking to identify two function modules or BAPI to update SD customer deliveries of finished goods. My immediate need is to update serial numbers in. This SAP Note for SAP Customer Checkout has 2 parts. The first part is the FAQ section and the second part is the Trouble Shooting section. If you do not find the. BAPIOUTBDELIVERYCREATESLS SAP Function module Generates Delivery for Customer Order. SAP delivery note tables. SD Document Delivery Note Header table VBLK, SD Delivery note table S261, SD Sales orderdelivery note table S263, Complete list.