Basic Authentication with the v. REST endpoint https outlook. By November 1, 2. REST endpoint will be fully decommissioned, and the v. Start migrating your app to use Outlook REST API in v. Microsoft Graph. See more details in our announcement. Applies to Exchange Online Office 3. Hotmail. com Live. Microsoft Outlook Parameter Values Are Not Valid' title='Microsoft Outlook Parameter Values Are Not Valid' />Download Visual Studio 2003 Retired Technical documentation from Official Microsoft Download Center. Filed under All, Technical stuff 2 comments. Responses to Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid. MSN. com Outlook. Passport. com. The Calendar API provides access to events, calendar, and calendar group data secured by Azure Active Directory on. Office 3. 65, and to similar data in Microsoft accounts specifically in these domains Hotmail. Live. com, MSN. com, Outlook. Passport. com. Note. The exception is the API to find meeting times, which applies to only Office 3. Azure AD and. not to Microsoft accounts. For simplicity of reference, the rest of this article uses Outlook. Microsoft account domains. Not interested in the beta version of the API Use the control at the top right corner and select the version you want. Forums/getfile/88519' alt='Microsoft Outlook Parameter Values Are Not Valid' title='Microsoft Outlook Parameter Values Are Not Valid' />Not interested in v. API Use the control at the top right and select the version you want. All Calendar API operations. Event operations. An event represents an appointment or meeting on the users calendar. An event can be a series master for recurring events, an occurrence, a single instance, or an exception. Get events Sync events Find meeting times Get meeting rooms. Create events Update events Respond to events Forward events preview. Delete events Cancel events preview Get attachments Create attachments Delete attachments. Get reminders Snooze reminders Dismiss remindersoutlookrestapibetaoutlookrestapiv. Get events Sync events Find meeting times Create events. Update events Respond to events Delete events. Get attachments Create attachments Delete attachments. Get reminders Snooze reminders Dismiss remindersoutlookrestapiv. Get events Sync events Create events. Update events Respond to events Delete events. Get attachments Create attachments Delete attachments. Get reminders Snooze reminders Dismiss remindersoutlookrestapiv. Calendar operations. A calendar serves as a container for events. A user can have multiple calendars. In Office 3. 65, each calendar can be assigned to a calendar group. Get calendars Create calendars Update calendars Delete calendars. Calendar group operations. Calendar groups are a way to organize multiple calendars. Users can add multiple calendars into a single calendar group in. Outlook or Outlook Web App. This makes it easier for users to quickly view all calendars within the group. Note Outlook. com supports only the default calendar group which is accessible by the. You cannot. delete that calendar group, or create another calendar group. Get calendar groups Create calendar groups. Update calendar groups Delete calendar groups. See also REST API event resource. REST API calendar resource. REST API calendar group resource. Using the Calendar REST APIAuthentication. Like other Outlook REST API, for every request to the Calendar API. Getting an access token requires you to have. You can find out more about some streamlined. Keep this in mind as you proceed with the specific operations in the. Calendar API. Scopes to access shared calendars. Office 3. 65 and Outlook. A user who created a calendar can share the calendar with other users. The following scopes are required to access a calendar that has been shared with that user Version of APIThe Calendar REST API is supported in all versions of the Outlook REST API. The functionality may differ depending on the specific. Target user. The Calendar API requests are always performed on behalf of the current user. See Use the Outlook REST API for more information common to all subsets of. Outlook REST API. Get events. Get an event collection or an event. An event body can be in either text or HTML. You can use the Prefer outlook. Body property in a GET request Specify Prefer outlook. Specify Prefer outlook. HTML format. If you specify either header, the response will include the corresponding Preference Applied header as confirmation For text format requests Preference Applied outlook. For HTML format requests Preference Applied outlook. All operations that get calendar events can use the Prefer outlook. HTTP header to specify the. For example, the following Prefer outlook. Eastern Standard Time. Prefer outlook. timezoneEastern Standard Time. If you do not specify the Prefer outlook. UTC. You can use the Original. Start. Time. Zone and Original. End. Time. Zone properties on the Event resource to. An event body can be in either text or HTML. You can use the Prefer outlook. Body property in a GET request Specify Prefer outlook. Specify Prefer outlook. HTML format. If you specify either header, the response will include the corresponding Preference Applied header as confirmation For text format requests Preference Applied outlook. For HTML format requests Preference Applied outlook. All operations that get calendar events can use the Prefer outlook. HTTP header to specify the. For example, the following Prefer outlook. Eastern Standard Time. Prefer outlook. timezoneEastern Standard Time. If you do not specify the Prefer outlook. UTC. See this list for the supported time zone names. You can use the Original. Start. Time. Zone and Original. End. Time. Zone properties on the Event resource to. An event body can be in either text or HTML. Currently, the GET operation returns event bodies in only HTML format. Get a calendar view. Get series master and single events. Get event instances Get an event. Get a calendar view. Minimum required scope one of the following Get the occurrences, exceptions, and single instances of events in a calendar view defined by a time range. GET https outlook. Date. Timestartdatetime end. Date. Timeenddatetime. Required parameter. Type. Description. Header parameters. Prefer outlook. timezone. The default time zone for events in the response. URL parameterscalendaridstring. The calendar ID, if youre getting a calendar view from a specific calendar. How To Download Pokemon Diamond On Pc Rom more. The date and time when the event starts. The date and time when the event ends. Use the Prefer outlook. If the event was created in a different time zone, the start and end times will be adjusted to the specified time zone. See this list for the supported time zone names. If the. Prefer outlook. UTC. Note By default, each event in the response includes all its properties. Use select to specify only those properties you need for best performance. The Id property is always returned. See OData query parameters for filtering, sorting, and paging parameters. For example, get the calendar view for the month of October, returning only the Subject property for each event. Assuming that the Prefer outlook. UTC. GET https outlook. Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid. Posted on February 2. Andrew Arnott. Just a quick and very geeky post in case anyone else ever has this problem with Outlook, because it was driving me mad for about an hour. Basically the error message in the title would pop up whenever I closed Outlook, but only if I had opened or edited a note at some point. I should point out Im using Outlook 2. Windows XP. Yes, they are quite old, but as any user of Pro. Tools knows, you stick with a solid operating system that works well. None of these were any good for me. Finally found a solution though. The problem was an add in installed by Adobe Contribute part of the Adobe Creative Suite I use. You can turn off some add ins from Outlooks advanced options, but many of them such as this one dont show up there. So this is what I had to do 1 Run regedit from Start Menu, choose Run and type regedit. Navigate your way to HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice OutlookAddins. The little subfolders in Addins are Add ins that are installed. To disable a particular Add in, set its Load. Behavior key to 2 Hexadecimal. In my case Adobe. Contribute. Office. Plugin was the culprit. Made the change and hey presto, the problem was solved Sorry for the very dull geeky post Ill try not to do them in futureHope its useful for someone though. Filed under All, Technical stuff 2 comments. Similar posts on the vclever blog.