President Trump Banned From Reading Info. Wars, Including These Vital Stories of the Week. Word on the street is that new White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, has forbidden aides from bringing President Trump any news stories from Info. Wars, the conspiracy theory website founded by Alex Jones. Info. Wars, the only news site that tells the truth about child slaves who are currently on Mars seriously, is an absolutely vital news site that everyone should read. So what is John Kelly afraid of The original report on Kellys fake news crackdown comes from Politico, which doesnt mention Info. Wars by name. But other outlets like the website Axios have claimed that the ban includes both Info. Wars and Got. News, the website run by far right blogger Chuck Johnson. We in the alternative media won the election for Trump, Johnson told the Washington Examiner in an interview yesterday. We will survive a failed general who was weak on borders. Since theres currently no ban on reading Gizmodo at the White House, weve rounded up this weeks most important headlines so that the president doesnt fall behind. Youre welcome, America. Is this final proof that Michelle Obama is a manAlex Jones has an obsession with a strange conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is secretly a man. Or, in his words, that shes a tranny. Jones says hes just asking questions. And now its a question that President Trump isnt allowed to hear. Thanks John Kelly. Now, Im not saying that Michelle Obama is a tranny, Jones says after saying exactly that in the form of a question. And I dont hate trannies, Im a libertarian, but we have famous photos of her where it appears she has a large bulge in her pants. And so you ask yourself, theres this media obsession with trannies, and Michelle keeps in public photos and videos to appear to have a very large penis in her pants, Jones says. Her shoulders are wide, her face is very very masculine, she looks like a tranny, and so you ask yourself, are the children a beard for ObamaHow on Earth will the republic survive if the president doesnt hear this completely logical and not at all hateful theory about trannies Travel advisories and reparations for white people because of black on white crimeIn a video from August 2. Alex Jones floated the idea that not only should there be travel advisories for white people in the US, but that white people should get reparations for getting killed by the tens of thousands by black people every year. So thats why Ive issued a travel advisory for the United States for white folks going to places like Denver, Detroit. Places like Chicago, places like Seattle, because Ive been to these towns and Ive experienced it. There needs to be reparations for white people the last 2. Seriously, if you want to play this whole game, and Im not actually asking for that. There needs to be real travel advisories. They used to have in the 6. Selma, Alabama, The New York Times would put travel advisories out for black folks. Well, you know whatThey needed a travel advisory. Thats true. But we need real travel advisories now, that white folks need to understand that there is the promotion and the pushing of you being mugged, you being killed by the New Black Panther Party and everybody else. Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Certificate Of Origin' title='Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Certificate Of Origin' />This July, we asked for software tips from the 2017 Microsoft Office National Champions, a set of charming teens who are officially the best at using PowerPoint, Word. Find training and tutorials for Office 365 and Office apps, including Outlook, OneNote, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Skype for Business, and more Youre currently subscribed to some eWEEK features and just need to create a username and password. Word on the street is that new White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, has forbidden aides from bringing President Trump any news stories from InfoWars, the. Onetouch Ultra Download How To Reset Time. Theyre saying, Go out and kill a white person. Go out and mug a white person. Its a lot harder to take the money and run when the cash you want is trapped inside an ATM. But some daring thieves in Arkansas recently used a forklift in. Go out and commit crime in their neighborhoods, because they deserve it. You have to watch the video to believe it. Again, its hard to imagine why John Kelly would keep this vital and completely true news from President Trumps ears. Respected economist Eclipse signals collapseMajor time of changeYou know that the story is going to be true when Alex Jones interjects and says by the way, youre not into mumbo jumbo. Thats exactly what Jones did recently in a video from August 2. Info. Wars laid out the case that the solar eclipse was a harbinger of major economic or social collapse. Jones says that there was an eclipse on the day that Jesus Christ was crucified. And he even says that something catastrophic might happen soon because of the eclipse. From this weekends hurricane in Texas to the debt ceiling crisis to Trumps unhinged speeches, it seems plausible that something catastrophic might happen. But none of it has anything to do with the recent eclipse. The Clintons gave North Korea nuclear weapons and the elites hoarded knowledge from the Library of Alexandria. On Sunday, Alex Jones went on a particularly sprawling rant in his hotel room in Seattle that touched on so many topics its actually hard to summarize them. But needless to say, they all sound perfectly normal and are things that President Trump should pay attention to if he wants to hear the truth. From Planet X to North Korea and an apparent false flag attack on the Library of Alexandria, Jones has a lot of theories about the world Im not saying Planet X is coming to kill us. Im not saying that the Earths going to end tomorrow. Im not saying its a harbinger of war. The Clintons giving nuclear weapons to North Korea is the harbinger of war. But that said, the elites are obsessed with things like this as symbols. Somethings going on But, again, the globalists know many of these secrets. They dont want the public to get them. A lot of stuff in the Alexandria Library didnt burn down they were hoarded by the elites because knowledge is power. You dont just give that to the average people. How dare John Kelly not let President Trump learn the truth about Planet X. Thanks for Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Yesterday, Alex Jones had Joe Arpaio on his show to talk about the prospect of President Trump pardoning the former Sheriff. Arpaio thanked Jones for bringing his trial to Trumps attention. And theres probably some truth to the pipeline of information there. Its Dr. Corsi writing the articles, and its Matt Drudge picked him up, and the president saw it in Matt Drudges Twitter feed, and then said, Is this true I havent even heard of this on Fox. And he called Sean Hannity up, and said, Why arent you covering this Jones claimed on his show. As Media Matters for America points out, the reporter that Jones is talking about, Corsi, wrote a book called Wheres the Birth Certificate So hes really the perfect newsman for the age of Trump, the person who spent years questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the United States. Arpaio ignored a court order to stop racial profiling and was found guilty. Hes scheduled to be sentenced in October. But Trump has signaled that hes going to pardon the disgraced sheriff anyway. So there you have it. And this rundown isnt even a sliver of the insanity that Jones spews out every week. Its puzzling why John Kelly would want to keep this kind of information from the president, but Im sure he has his reasons. Like the fact that perhaps hed like to see American policy dictated by rational facts and not the ravings of cynical lunatics just looking to sell overpriced vitamins. You Can Still Install MS Paint After Microsofts New Update. On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 3. Paint 3. D in its upcoming Windows 1. The news was tragic for fans of MS Paint, many of who publicly mourned the loss. In response, Microsoft decided to keep the app MS Paint is here to stay, it will just have a new home soon, in the Windows Store where it will be available for free, said a blog post. This is good news for MS Paint fanatics, but it still means MS Paint will be less accessible than before. Some employers may prohibit employees from downloading apps from the Windows Store, and many people probably wont go out of their way to install the app. But for die hard fans, theres reason to rejoice sophisticated MS Paint art and memes arent completely dead after all.