Rules FOR WATER SPRAY SYSTEMS. The raw water outlet connection shall be so. Installing Solar Panels For Pool Solar Panel Pumps Ponds Installing Solar Panels For Pool Best Solar Panel Efficiency Best Solar Panel With Best Warranty. Swimming Pool Plastering Do It Yourself Project They said it couldnt be done. They said it was a job for professionals only. They refused to sell me the tools of the trade. They said only licensed contractors are allowed to buy that kind of plaster. Richard J. Kinch and family replaster a swimming pool as diehard doityourselfers. The examples below show some of the Marine Orders of particulars relevance to Marine Engineers for commercial vessel construction and operations. But I had the Web. I had Lowes. I had Home Depot. I had a wife and eight children to conscript. I took the ultimate do it yourselfers challenge. How I Re Plastered and Re Modeled My Own Swimming Pool For only 5. Plus a few 1. 00. I promised my wife would be so useful around the house in the future, Less a few 1. Plus a few 1. 00. Less a few 1. 00. I can do now with these shiny tools and new techniques. Plus the unknown cost of having to live with an ugly, hazardous construction site instead of a. Less the benefit of teaching my children how to do the hardest kinds of physical labor. This page last updated March, 2. About the Project. This page describes a big do it yourself project I and my family undertook. Palm Beach County, Florida USA. The pool. size is 1. It. is constructed in the conventional manner of a concrete shell finished with. I believe, based on removing loose areas of the. For my essay describing how I use a computer to control this pools equipment. Plaster finishes last 7 years or more, depending on how well they are. Refinishing was badly needed by the time we owned. The entire project eventually encompassed far more than replastering. Based. on estimates from contractors, the expense to have all this work contracted. For a red blooded guy who does his own oil changes, what else. I do I decided I would do this little project myself, too. I would. learn, I would craft, I would teach my children things new to us all. And. thus on and off, from October 2. October 2. 00. 1, it happened. The following major stages were involved. Acquiring big, expensive, or unusual tools concrete mixer, diamond tile saw. Installing and maintaining a sump system to prevent our local high water. This also ejects spent acid wash out of the pool. Mothballing the pool equipment pump, filter, heater, plumbing, controllers. Removing the faded old tile fascia and mortar from the coping overhang. Removing the faded old waterline tile and patching the cracked bond beam behind. Removing old loose plaster. Removing the old tile nosing the step edges, and removing all plaster on the. Acid washing the old plaster surface to clean it of remnants of algae and. Filling in and patching loose areas removed. Researching, ordering and hauling to the site various raw materials. Constructing and aligning precision scaffolds to hold the heavy marble slabs. Cutting and setting new marble slabs for fascia on the coping overhang. Grouting the gaps between the marble slabs with white grout. Grouting the gaps between the marble slabs and the deck with brick colored grout. Installing fiberboard scaffolds to hold the new waterline tile while setting. Cutting and setting the new waterline tile. Plastering the area between the new marble and the new waterline tile, underneath the coping. Mensurating, cutting, setting, and beveling keystone shaped slate tiles to. Cutting and setting tile lines that divide the pool surface into smaller. Mixing, transporting, gauging, troweling, finishing, touching up, and polishing the. Grouting between the slate tiles and step faces. Restarting the pool pump, filter, and controllers. Managing the start up chemistry of the new water fill. Repairing leaks discovered in the pool after filling. Reopening the pool hurrah and switching to regular maintenance chemistry. Consigning unusual tools to resale or storage. Cleaning up of spilled plaster from lawn and deck. The Photos The before of before and after. Or, Dad, the sump pump quit again. Mom and the loyal mixing crew. The application crew, well trained after a few sessions. A dad, a big guy, and a special plastering hat. I am master over the deep end. Thats me under all that plaster. The professionals always make it look easy. We done it A last crew pose before the filling begins. No, thats not Mountain Dew, its EPA approved chloraminated tap waterEwww Pure water plus white plaster equals blue pool. All the design elements converge here. At last, rest and tranquility. Notes on Plastering. What follows is some quickly recorded notes about some important details I. I am publishing because of the dearth of. I hope to add in the. None of this is a secret. But it is difficult to learn without some very. I am not such an. I had nothing but. Web research to learn from, but I know a few. Well, first if you dont count that. By the end I felt like an. Ill know how to. But I also harbor some perfectionism in my attitudes, and I. Ive seen since. Thats as much due to the diligence. The plastering trade tends to be very secretive about their techniques. In my. area the contract for a plastering job is typically made by a well dressed. English speaking, laborers who have been hired as. Once you realize that plaster as a building material. You dont see the Anglo boss except when he. This all adds to the mystery of how it is done. The. tradesmen dont seem to care if you watch, and I did watch a few jobs done for. But there just isnt anything like a textbook. I. could find, and they certainly arent giving you a running narrative of their. But watching a few. Some. tools, like stepping boards, must be improvised yourself. Pool plaster is nothing more than a kind of concrete, that is, a mix of. Despite what the contractors. While the aggregate in common concrete. These days it is fashionable to use quartz sand. Certain chemicals such as calcium chloride accelerator. The hydration and consequent setting of portland cement is a very complex. Your placement and troweling techniques will be better if you understand how. The initial set occurs within an hour or two of mixing depending on. ASTM standard cements are designed to have an initial setting time of not. If you want to scientifically test a product for setting time, you can. Collection Offline Update For Windows 7 X64 Drivers. Gillmore ASTM C2. You first form a pat of cement 3 inches in diameter by 12 inch thick on. For the Gillmore test. The pin pressures are 4. The Vicat test ASTM 1. British standard BS1. Note that this test is specified for the cement paste alone, not the. Note that the specified pressure for initial set would permit an 2. When working plaster, do not be confused with false set or flash set. This is a stiffening that happens soon after mixing or placement. For example, a bucket of wet plaster will take a false set in a matter of. A bit of agitation stirring or shaking the. Besides setting time, other mechanical properties of cement of interest. Porosity measures the size and proportion of volume of pores, which are microscopic. Porosity is related to water absorption, the volume proportion. Final strength is believed by many authorities to have a negative exponential. Porosity ranges from 1. Type 1 portland cement. Kpsi. Porosity should not be confused with voids due to incomplete compaction. Permeability measures how quickly water under pressure diffuses through. See Analytical Technicques in Concrete Science and Technology. Ramachandran and Beaudoin, 2. Concrete Admixtures Handbook, Ramachandran, 1. The only ingredients in todays pool plaster that are not of ancient. Modern paints contain the same components. These can. be present in a dry form as part of the dry mix product, or added as. During curing, the. Common portland cement is gray in color, and this accounts for the grey. The gray type is cheaper than the white. Installing A Raw Water Wash Down Pumps