Post. GIS Installation. These instructions are for Postgre. NTP Network Time Protocol. SQL 9. 1 and higher, Post. GIS 2. 2 and higher that is compiled with raster support. Note if you have postgis, without raster support, you can not use CREATE EXTENSION. Refer to Post. GIS install. Enabling Post. GISPost. GIS is an optional extension that must be enabled in each database you want to use it in before you can use it. Installing the software is just the first step. DO NOT INSTALL it in the database called postgres. Connect to your database with psql or Pg. Admin. Run the following SQL. You need only install the features you want Enable Post. GIS includes rasterCREATE EXTENSION postgis. Enable Topology. CREATE EXTENSION postgistopology. Enable Post. GIS Advanced 3. D and other geoprocessing algorithms sfcgal not available with all distributions. CREATE EXTENSION postgissfcgal. Tiger. CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch. CREATE EXTENSION addressstandardizer. CREATE EXTENSION addressstandardizerdataus. First tutorial in SQL. How to install and set up PostgreSQL. PHP 5. 6 Install Ubuntu. This article will help you to How to Install PHP 5. PHP 7. 1 on Ubuntu 16. LTS, 14. 04 LTS systems using PPA. How to Install PostgreSQL 9. Ubuntu 16. 04 LTS POSTGRESQL is an opensource, fullfeatured relational database. PostgreSQL is the most advanced. Ubuntu b n t u stylized as ubuntu is an open source operating system for computers. It is a Linux distribution based on the Debian architecture. How to install PostGIS and where to download PostGIS binaries. Install Freeradius on ubuntu 16. Usb Device Software Free Download more. Server and manage using daloradius Freeradius web management application. Ubuntu-Server-Installation-Software-Selection.png' alt='How To Install Postgresql Ubuntu' title='How To Install Postgresql Ubuntu' />Enable US Tiger Geocoder. CREATE EXTENSION postgistigergeocoder Upgrading Post. GISTo upgrade Post. GIS, you first have to install the latest binaries and then upgrade each database you have Post. GIS installed in. For example connect to database you want to upgrade and if you just installed binaries for 2. You can upgrade from 2. To go from 1. to 2. Refer to Post. GIS install for more extensive instructions. Note that as of Post. GIS 2. 1. 3 and Post. GIS 2. 0. 6, you need to set environment variables to get full features. Upgrade Post. GIS includes raster to latest version. ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE. ALTER EXTENSION postgistopology UPDATE or to a specific version Upgrade Post. GIS includes rasterALTER EXTENSION postgis. UPDATETO2. 4. 2. Upgrade Topology. ALTER EXTENSION postgistopology. UPDATETO2. 4. 2. Upgrade US Tiger Geocoder. ALTER EXTENSION postgistigergeocoder. UPDATETO2. 4. 2 Spatial SQLSee the documentation for more guidance. Create table with spatial column. CREATETABLE mytable. SERIAL PRIMARYKEY. GEOMETRYPoint,2. VARCHAR1. Add a spatial index. CREATEINDEX mytablegix. USING GIST geom. Add a point. INSERTINTO mytable geomVALUES. STGeom. From. TextPOINT0 0,2. Query for nearby points. SELECT id, name. WHERE STDWithin. STGeom. From. TextPOINT0 0,2.