AP3.png' alt='File Upload And Download Example In Struts 2 Vulnerability Brene' title='File Upload And Download Example In Struts 2 Vulnerability Brene' />McAfee Security Threat Center provides information about the latest virus alerts and vulnerabilities. Folsom Dam is a concrete gravity dam on the American River of Northern California in the United States, about 25 mi 40 km northeast of Sacramento. Applied Mitigation Bulletins. Identifying and Mitigating Exploitation of the Cisco Identity Services Engine Database Default Credentials Vulnerability. Folsom Dam Wikipedia. For the settlement formerly called Folsom Dam, see Morgans Landing, California. Folsom Dam. Folsom Dam release. Location. Folsom, California. Coordinates. 384. N1. 210. 92. 3W 3. Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a computing platform for development and deployment of portable code for desktop and server environments. Java SE was. Security mailing list archive for the Nmap lists, Bugtraq, Full Disclosure, Security Basics, Pentest, and dozens more. Search capabilities and RSS feeds with smart. Edit on GitHub Announcements. September 2017 Struts 2. General Availability 05 September 2017 Struts 2. General Availability 09 August 2017 S2049. But now that the breach is known to be CVE20175638, the software company isnt pulling punches. In a statement, Apache Struts wrote, This vulnerability was. Bulletin SB17296 Vulnerability Summary for the Week of October 16, 2017 Original release date October 23, 2017. Blog/Blog_Images/Screen%20Shot%202017-03-10%20at%209.43.07%20PM.png?t=1489498044760&width=709&height=222&name=Screen%20Shot%202017-03-10%20at%209.43.07%20PM.png' alt='File Upload And Download Example In Struts 2 Vulnerability Scanning' title='File Upload And Download Example In Struts 2 Vulnerability Scanning' />N 1. W 3. Coordinates 3. File Upload And Download Example In Struts 2 Vulnerability DefinitionN1. W 3. N 1. 21. 1. 56. W 3. Construction began. Opening date. 19. Construction cost. US8. 1. 5 million. OperatorsU. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Dam and spillways. Impounds. American River. Height. 34. 0 ft 1. Length. 1,4. 00 ft 4. Reservoir. Creates. Folsom Lake. Total capacity. Inactive capacity. Catchment area. 1,8. Surface area. 11,9. Power Station. Commission date. Hydraulic head. 30. Turbines. 3x Francis. Installed capacity. MW6Annual generation. KWh1Folsom Dam is a concretegravity dam on the American River of Northern. California in the United States, about 2. Sacramento. The dam is 3. It was completed in 1. Located at the juncture of the north and south forks of the American River, the dam was built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and was transferred to the United States Bureau of Reclamation upon its completion. The dam and its reservoir, Folsom Lake, are part of the Central Valley Project, a multipurpose project that provides flood control, hydroelectricity, and irrigation and municipal water supply. In order to increase Sacramentos flood protection to 2. US Army Corp of Engineers is constructing an auxiliary spillway. The spillway is scheduled to be completed by October 2. Folsom Dam to release water before it reaches the height of the gates already in place. Another Central Valley Project dam, Nimbus Dam, is located further down river. SpecificationseditFolsom Dam is located just north of the city of Folsom and consists of a 3. The dam is flanked by two earthen wing dikes, and the reservoir is held in place by an additional nine saddle dams on the west and southeast sides. The wing dams total a length of 8,8. The dam and appurtenant dikes total a length of 2. Floodwaters are released by a spillway located on the main channel dam, controlled by eight radial gates with a capacity of 5. The impounded water behind the dam forms Folsom Lake, with a normal maximum pool of 9. The original capacity was 1,0. At its maximum elevation of 4. The dam and reservoir control runoff from an area of 1,8. American River watershed. The average amount of runoff entering the reservoir is 2,7. Folsom Power Plant is located on the north side of the river, at the base of the dam. It has three Francis turbines with a combined capacity of 1. MW, uprated from its original capacity of 1. MW in 1. 97. 2. 6 The power plants electricity production is intermediate, between peaking and base load. It generally operates during the day, when the demand and price for electricity is the highest. The plant produces an average of 6. Historyedit. Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway construction. Folsom Dam was proposed as early as the 1. Californias State Water Plan, in response to chronic flooding in low lying Sacramento. The flood risk to the state capital had been exacerbated since the 1. Sacramento and American Rivers. The current dam was originally authorized by Congress in 1. The current Folsom Dam replaced an earlier, smaller dam that had been completed in 1. Horatio Gates Livermore. The earlier dam had fed the Folsom Powerhouse, generating electricity that was transmitted to Sacramento over a 2. The remains of the earlier dam can be seen downstream from the Folsom Lake Crossing. Counter Strike 1 6 Orange Box Cafe here. Construction of the dam began in 1. Folsom Power Plant. The primary contract was awarded to Savin Construction Corp. East Hartford, Connecticut, and Merritt Chapman Scott of New York for 2. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. On October 2. 9, 1. Flooding washed out the temporary cofferdam three times in 1. Nimbus Dam which was also under construction at the time. Water storage in Folsom Lake began in February 1. May 1. 7, 1. 95. 5. The first hydroelectric power was generated in September of that year. In order to acquire the necessary land in the future Folsom Lake bed, the government had to relocate families on 1. Mormon Island and Salmon Falls. Even before the dam was complete, it demonstrated its effectiveness as a flood control facility during the record storms of December 1. Folsom Lake in a matter of weeks, and preventing 2. The dam was officially dedicated on May 5, 1. Bureau of Reclamation on May 1. Spillway gate failureeditOn the morning of July 1. Folsom Dam power plant was shut down and Spillway Gate 3 was opened to maintain flows in the American River. As the gate was operated, a diagonal brace between the lowest and second lowest struts failed. The failure resulted in the uncontrolled release of nearly 4. Folsom Lake and a flood of 4. American River. The freshwater reaching San Francisco Bay was atypical for the summer season and confused Pacific salmon and striped bass, whose instincts told them that fall rains had arrived they began their annual fall migrations months ahead of schedule. The hydraulic load on this type of spillway gate Tainter gate is transmitted from the cylindrical skin plate, which is in contact with the reservoir, through a number of struts to a convergence at the trunnion hub. The hub collects the load from the struts and transfers it across an interface to the trunnion pin, which is stationary and is connected to the dam. When the gate is operated, the hub rotates around the pin. The struts are primarily compression members, but friction at the pin hub interface induces a bending stress during gate operation. Typically, and in this case, the struts are oriented such that the trunnion friction stress is applied to the weak axis of the struts see Section modulus. In order to better handle these loads, the struts are connected with diagonal braces that take the stress as axial loads. At Folsom Dam, increasing corrosion at the pin hub interface had raised the coefficient of friction and, therefore, the bending stress in the strut and the axial force in the brace. The capacity of the brace connection was exceeded and it failed. This caused the load to redistribute and the failure progressed, eventually buckling the struts. After a year long investigation, the Bureau of Reclamation attributed the failure to a design flaw the Corps of Engineers, which designed the dam, did not consider trunnion friction at the pin hub interface in the gate analyses. While this is true, this was one of five identical service gates that operated under the same circumstances for nearly 4. This suggests that the failure resulted from a condition that changed over time specifically, there was a gradual increase in the coefficient of friction at the pin hub interface. While one would expect maintenance frequency to increase as a gate ages, Reclamation decreased the frequency of regular maintenance and lubrication over time due to budget constraints. In addition, the lubricant used by Reclamation did not conform to the Corps original design specifications it was a new, environmentally friendly lubricant that was not sufficiently waterproof, allowing water to enter the pin hub interface and cause the corrosion that resulted in increased friction. However, this failure caused no fatalities and it had a significant positive impact on the dam industry. A renewed focus was placed on maintenance and monitoring of radial gates, many of which were retrofitted to strengthen struts and bracing and ensure sufficient lubrication. IBM Interim Fixes JVM patches for 9. IBM NotesDomino add ons. Fix List for Notes 9. Feature Pack Interim Fixes. Fix introduced in release SPR Description Additional Information Notes 9. Feature Pack 9 Interim Fix 1 AYAVAQF7. WZ Fix an issue where sent internet mail shows as serif font instead of san serif JVEKARBEP2 Fixed an issue where the contents are not displayed after editing if a Richtext field contains an image and Store contents as HTML and MIME is enabled YNABANLSUB Fix an error 4. Value Is Out Of Range when running deleteuser lotusscript Notes 9. Feature Pack 8 Interim Fix 1 LHEYAKBJSQ SSJS editor stops working in an NSF with a managed bean LHEYAKALAH Form Validation not working on an XPage MDOYAKFPE2 XPages i. Notes calendar control icons do not display the correct hover help text Notes 9. Fix Pack 7 Interim Fix 2 PPUEACE9. H9 Security Bulletin IBM Notes is affected with Open Source Apache Struts Vulnerabilities CVE 2. CVE 2. 01. 6 1. PPUEAAVCSJ Security Bulletin IBM Notes is affected by Open. Source Apache Taglibs Vulnerability CVE 2. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 7 Interim Fix 1 RGAUADUM5. Duplicate Attachment Icons When Using Ls Embedobject To Attach Files To A Notes. Rich. Text. Item BBSZAEEK8. C Notes User Id File Upload To Vault Failed If Portencadv Parameter Is Enabled Notes 9. Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 3 KLYHA6. ZP4. F Security Bulletin Vulnerability in IBM Domino Web Server TLS AES GCM Nonce Generation See technote 1. Domino, technote 1. Notes, and technote 1. ICAA Fix introduced for Windows in IF3 Fix introduced for Linux in IF2 PMGYA4. CHDZ Fixes intermittent Domino Server and Notes Client crash when organization is doing a key rollover. Crash occurs on both client and server side when trying to connect. RSSNA6. UU7. 9 Domino Console wont connect even when scontroller is running technote 1. IMPORTANT NOTE To completely fix this issue, it is required to install both Domino 9. FP5. IF2 and the JVM patch released in March 2. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 2 KLYHA6. ZP4. F Security Bulletin Vulnerability in IBM Domino Web Server TLS AES GCM Nonce Generation See technote 1. Domino technote 1. Notes KLYHA5. YRVP Security Bulletin Vulnerability in MD5 Signature and Hash Algorithm affects IBM Notes technote 1. Fix introduced for Windows in IF2 Fix was introduced for Linux in IF1 AYAVA6. A8. Z Security Bulletin libpng related security vulnerabilities identified in IBM Notes technote 1. CDLLA4. UBB3 Icons are compressed on Toolbar for Sametime in High Screen Resolutions CLUGA6. DUH Fixes performance issue with the Activities sidebar due to continual login requests. DBHAA6. ME3. S Move installhandler from platform feature to provisioning feature DSCK9. TUNDR Client SWTError No more handles javalangOut. Of. Memory. Error Defect 2. Fix Delete Cached Photo Defect 2. Fix a bizcard regression Defect 3. MLUOA8. RVZU Multiple requests for remote photo url Defect 3. Fix memory leaks in business card Defect 3. CatchExceptionsIn2JobsInBizcard Defect 3. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 1 KLYHA5. YRVP Security Bulletin Vulnerability in MD5 Signature and Hash Algorithm affects IBM Notes technote 1. Linux Only DKENA3. JMP Add support for Extended Master Secret RFC 7. TLS 1. 2 Linux Only KLYHA5. S3. 7 Disable TLS Session Resumption on outbound connections by default Linux Only MBLTA4. SEFK Install error upgrading to IBM Notes Standard 9. Fix Pack 5 from earlier 9. Fix Pack or Hotfix technote 1. Windows Only CSMHA2. NPX3 Need to move the base platform configuration processing from uninstall to disable stage Defect 3. The photo in chat history will be superimposed once the business card shows incorrect and you switch them back and forth Defect 3. Photo is not saved from Person Cache when hovering quickly from person cache to bizcard cache Defect 3. Chat partner is still displayed as available in business card when user is offline Defect 3. Fix no default picture on the business card if the user has not uploaded a photo Notes 9. Fix Pack 4 Interim Fix 2 MLUO9. ZDD2. G Regression Smart. Cloud Notes user could not auto log in to Sametime Windows Only NPEI9. YP9. VB LogjamVulnerability in Diffie Hellman ciphers may affect Expeditor technote 1. QMGO9. YXDML Notes Fix Pack installs shared data files in default common data dir if custom common data dir set in advance causing 1. CSMH9. ZJS3. 6 SRKM9. NFF7. B Platform configuration does not define the platform feature patch properly causing provisioning fixes to fail. Defect 2. 90. 37 Sametime embedded com. Defect 2. 84. 91 Sametime embedded Restore to old photo in bizcard after refresh person info and hover a user. Defect 2. 84. 67 Sametime embedded Incorrect time count in bizcard trace Notes 9. Fix Pack 4 Interim Fix 1 NPEI9. Y8. 5BZ Account authentication fails in Notes Mac 9. FP4. Mac Only. Notes 9. Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 4 FPAI9. TDLAK Default timezone in Notes client is incorrect when running on a Russian localized windows operating system. KLYH9. TSN3. Y Recommended security fix for IBM Notes Domino technote 1. KLYH9. TSMLA Recommended security fix for IBM Notes Domino technote 1. LHEY9. SGEK5 IBM Dojo Fix Notes client Standard Client Only. HANA9. VFL9. 4 New Notices file for Notes client Standard Client Only. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 3 KLYH9. UBNGW Add pinning to SHA 2. TLS 1. 2 KLYH9. URNJH TLS 1. Notes Domino as a TLS client rejects handshake with server if no common signature algorithm available KLYH9. URNFY TLS 1. 2 Client handshake request rejected by Server if server certificate chain signature type not supported by the client KLYH9. UQJQN Remove RC4 SHA from the default cipher list for TLS 1. RKUR9. PEDEB Implement HSTS Http Strict Transport Security. This header informs supported browsers that the site should only be accessed over an SSL protected connection HTTPS RGET9. TSMKD Add IP Information to HTTP Thread logs for SSL Handshake connections MKIN9. QHT5. W Passing a directory to kyrtool will crash the tool DKEN9. RVQGD kyrtool import all sometimes reports SECIss. Update. Keyring. Private. Key returned error 0x. AVA separator not found or Syntax error in OID when a is in a certificate name part DKEN9. SSUR6 Add more detailed logging for SSLTLS connections to help diagnose failed connections KLYH9. UFNWH New notes. ini SSLDISABLETLS1. Disabling TLS1. 0 for compliance reasons. Used in conjunction with existing DISABLESSLV31 allows you to limit communication to TLS 1. HTTP, SMTP, LDAP, POP3 IMAP KLYH9. QKTGH Added SHA 2. TLS 1. 2 KLYH9. QKTED Added Advanced Encrption Standard AES GaloisCounter Mode for increased security with TLS 1. KLYH9. QKTBL Added Perfect Forward Secrecy PFS via Ephemeral Diffie Hellman DHE cipher specs for SSLTLS KLYH9. QKT4. B Notes Domino Support for TLS 1. Transport Layer Security 1. HTTP, SMTP, LDAP, POP3 IMAP HCHC9. GG6. 6F Administrator Client Shows Wrong File Sizes of database with DAOS size 0 After Server Restart IFAY9. QZGKG Getting Error When Using Google calendar Feeds Standard Client Only. TTAN8. YRHD9 WINDOWS ONLY Additional Time Zone For Salvador Buenos Aires Shows Incorrect Time Standard Client Only. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 2 PSIH9. SSAHC Recommended security fix for Notes technote 1. Notes 9. 0. 1 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 1 IFAY9. QZGKG Getting Error When Using Google calendar Feeds TTAN8. YRHD9 WINDOWS ONLY Additional Time Zone For Salvador Buenos Aires Shows Incorrect Time LQPG9.