Supergirl DCSuperman The most powerful being on the planet. Able to leap tall buildings and outspeed bullets. But what would have happened if he wasnt raised by the decent, humble souls that gave him his morals What if he arrived on Earth a teenagerwith all the attitude and rebellion that comes with the territory Well hed be Supergirl. FRs8WRNkMM/WP-8VHA61oI/AAAAAAAALJc/XEg11cTgjUsRy9JR_1NXZ18E_6KOX45rACEw/s640/TT_Cv7_var.jpg' alt='Dc New 52 Week 27 Of 2017' title='Dc New 52 Week 27 Of 2017' />Teenager Kara Zor el was rocketed to Earth from the dying planet Krypton. Faced with an entire world completely unrecognizable from the one she grew up in, shes the ultimate new girl in schoolwith a planet splitting right hook. A lonely girl with astounding might, she struggles to find her identity on her new reluctant home. As the most powerful teenager on the planet, the Girl of Steel possesses all of Supermans powersfrom superhuman strength, speed, and invulnerability all the way down to his flight and enhanced senses. Still learning to control her awesome powers and lacking her cousins self restraint, she may even be more dangerous than the Man of Steel. Disconnected from a world shes still struggling to comprehend, shell find non stop action and violence from her first minute on this planet. P6ouHz1Y' alt='Dc New 52 Week 27 Of 2017' title='Dc New 52 Week 27 Of 2017' />None of that seems to worry Nelson, and thats partly because DC and Warner have adopted a new strategy Lets rethink that whole universe thing. On Monday, the Tax Policy Center released a new analysis of the House tax bill that disproves claims from GOP. Click here to find out why 2017 may just be DCs year to make establish themselves in the cinema. Microsoft Office Access File Path Access Error 3078. Airline industry business publication, providing news, statistics and indepth analysis of issues of concern to airline managers. Hey there, Supergirl fans Its Meg again, back this week to take a look at some of the introductions and reintroductions that happened tonight because, man oh.